Why Big ON Shoes : Melissa vblog
Coming up with the idea of Big On Shoes came from a very young age. I grew up with large feet from the age of 12 and by the time I got to my Formals, Deb and Graduations, my mother and I had to fly to Brisbane to buy the one pair of shoes in Brisbane that fit me. Later in life when I went to weddings or formal events I would wear long pants that would cover my feet so that no one could see that I was wearing thongs or mens shoes.
I hated this, I hated that I couldn't wear pretty shoes, so later in life when I had a break from work to have my family, it seemed like a no brainer to start a business that offered shoes in larger sizes. I remember talking to my mum and telling her what I was going to do, she of course knew the struggles of owning a small business herself so had an idea of what I was up against. It has been a hard journey but it has been worth every bit of it. To be able to go to work and know that I am in a way making a difference for other women is my motivation. To know that the shoes that I source can be the make or break for someone enjoying their wedding, their graduation, their formal. That's what I love, to know that other women are not facing the struggle I did when I was younger.
I had to wear a pair of mens thongs for my wedding shoes as nothing else fit
A selfie of my first shipment of shoes when I started Big On Shoes in a room at home
Our first store in Moranbah, this was the night before our first offical open day
Watch Melissa's Full VBlog Below
Written By Melissa Wescott
Owner & Founder Of Big On Shoes